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Continuing to demonstrate quality and reliability.

Somerset Gas join the MCS Certified Installer scheme and NAPIT Accreditation Scheme, demonstrating the quality and reliability of our company and the services that we provide.

In November 2022, Somerset Gas achieved two milestones in our efforts to demonstrate continued quality and reliability in the services that we provide to each and every one of our customers.

NAPIT, is one of the leading Government approved and United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS) accredited membership scheme operators in the building services and fabric sector.

In order to become a member, Somerset Gas was required to demonstrate our ability to operate safely within our sector and to an exceptionally high standard and demonstrate our levels of core qualifications within the central heating industry.

Like NAPIT, Somerset gas is committed to continually improving our standards and promoting safe, quality work across our sector.

The NAPIT mark of approval provides our customers with reassurance and peace of mind that Somerset Gas is considered competent, professional, and safe.

MCS, is an industry-led quality assurance scheme, which demonstrates the quality and reliability of approved products and installation companies.

Becoming MCS certified demonstrates to our customers that the services that Somerset Gas provides in line with installing heating appliances are done so to the industry-expected level of quality every time.

MCS is a mark of quality that provides our customers with a level of reassurance. By becoming an MCS Certified Installer, there are four elements to the service that we deliver.

  1. A Commitment to Quality Workmanship Somerset Gas has been assessed against the MCS 001 Standard and the specific technical standard for the technology for which we have become certified. Somerset Gas was assessed to ensure that we were able to install renewable technology in line with the MCS standards and were assessed in terms of company practices and our performance during an inspection of the installation work that we provide.

  2. Commitment to Customer Care As a member of MCS, Somerset Gas has continued to demonstrate our commitment to complying with the Consumer Code's High Standards of consumer protection. Our staff evidenced our effective customer service policy and the support that we provide to our range of customers from business to business to business to consumer.

  3. Demonstrate Competency Our staff at Somerset Gas demonstrated their industry knowledge, their skill, and their competence and experience within their role. Our staff's successful assessment was supported by our company's excellent record-keeping and administration, processes, and policies.

  4. Committing to continual improvement through the deployment of an effective management system As part of the process of becoming MCS certified, Somerset Gas was asked to demonstrate our operation and our Quality Management System (QMS). By reviewing this, Somerset Gas was able to evidence that our company has achieved the Standards required of our systems and processes, the protections we afford our customers, and the accuracy of our service delivery.

Somerset Gas continues to invest in continuous improvement and ensuring that we continue to strive for excellence as a safe, professional, and reliable heating company.


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