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We've joined the ranks of ACDC!

Taunton, Somerset

June 2017


We are proud to announce that after a rigorous check on our health and safety practices and policies and assessments on various elements of our business, such as complaints procedures, training for our staff and environmental policies; Somerset Gas achieved accreditation onto the ACDC Register.

This means that our customers can feel assured in the knowledge that when choosing Somerset Gas, they are receiving a company that is qualified, professional and safe.


May 2017

Perkbox, Perbox, Perkbox! 

Taunton, Somerset

Can you tell that we're a little bit excited?! :D

As a way to say thank you to our team for being such a clever, hard working, committed bunch, we have now introduced Perkbox.

Our staff can now benefit from thousands of high street discounts and online offers. 

In addition to that, with so many positive reviews that we receive from our customers about our staff, we can continue to reward our team with lots of lovely gifts.

Our staff can now benefit from thousands of high street discounts and online offers. 


Nov 2016


SLOAC Approved.

Taunton, Somerset

As part of our ongoing relationship with the Somerset County Council and continuing to provide industrial and commercial services for customers within the south of the UK; Somerset Gas were able to achieve the the 'approved contractor' status for Devon and Somerset Standing List of Approved Contractors . (SLOAC).

This means that over the next few years, we are 


Dec 2012

Donate a real-life Santa Claus. Ho-Ho-Ho

Dunster, Somerset



Months of planning came together for one of Dunster First School’s biggest fundraising events of the year, which generated £3,500 for new ICT equipment.

The evening was a great success and was enjoyed by all of those who attended and the money generated that evening was the largest on record.

As in previous years, Somerset Gas helped Dunster First School achieve their fantastic result by donating a Christmas Hamper but more importantly, this year, by donating a real-life Santa Claus. One of Somerset Gas’s Company Directors put on the full suit and boots and spent the evening handing out presents and making note of the many requests for Christmas Day gifts.

We want to take the opportunity to congratulate Dunster First School on a fantastic evening and a very well deserved total raised.


We look forward to seeing you all next year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all from Somerset Gas.


Dec 2012

Leading the way with the Living Wage

Taunton, Somerset



The Living Wage Campaign was launched by the charity London Citizens in 2001. In the ten years since its launch, the campaign has become a powerful force for change in London and across the rest of the country.

Initially dismissed as idealistic and impossible, it is now recognised as a compelling cause, which offers benefits to workers, employers and to the wider society.

Between them, the employers in London who commit to paying a Living Wage have lifted more than 10,000 families out of working poverty and right across the UK, employers are signing up to the Living Wage – in Scotland, Wales, Oxford, Norwich, Preston, Milton Keynes, Leeds, Brighton, Newcastle and now… Somerset.

Somerset Gas joins the likes of other organisations, such as HSBC, Barclays, Lush, Scottish Enterprise, Tate Modern, RBS, London Fire Brigade and more.

Somerset Gas is the first organisation in Somerset to join the Living Wage Foundation.

This is a fantastic opportunity to help to ensure that our staff can live free from poverty and demonstrates, clearly how Somerset Gas rewards all of our employees fairly for the hard work that they do”. – Joe Lewis, Business Manager

Welcome to the world, Somerset Gas... shh!

Apr 1995



Somerset Gas is an award-winning, family-run heating company from Somerset.


We have been providing annual boiler services, safety inspections, maintenance, central heating installations and reactive repairs to thousands of homes across the South West of the UK for over 25 years, since 1995.

With a dedicated, local team of engineers, we are able to provide support to homeowners, landlords, business owners and local authorities across Somerset, Dorset and Devon.

With a range of services available to homeowners and landlords such as boiler coverplan options and annual reminders, Energy Performance Certificates and excellent property management systems, we are the right choice for complete peace of mind.

With extensive experience in the industrial and commercial sector, Somerset Gas remains the chosen partner for the NHS, Somerset County Council and Somerset Care for large projects including commercial heating installations and upgrades, servicing, maintenance and reactive repairs.

Company Information

The Somerset Gas Co. Limited.

Company Registration Number: 03041587

Registered in the UK, England & Wales.


Registered Office:

4 Kings Square




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